Ex-UM Athletics staffer gets probation for driving 'super drunk,' fighting police

ANN ARBOR, MI - An ex-University of Michigan Athletics staffer accused of fighting with police after crashing into a car while driving "super drunk" in Ann Arbor has been sentenced to probation.
Fergus Connolly was sentenced to 18 months probation, six days community service, a fine of $1,500 and a suspended sentence of one year in jail during a hearing before Washtenaw County's 15th District Court Judge Karen Valvo on Thursday, June 21.
Connolly pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of operating with blood alcohol content of 0.17 or more, and two counts each of assault and resisting or obstructing police. Four additional misdemeanor charges were dropped in exchange for the no contest pleas, records show.
He had no comment during sentencing.
"This is a person who suffered an episode of broken spirit," said his attorney, Joe Simon. "This is not who he was before that day and it's not who he is now. It is extremely unlikely something like this will happen with him again."
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